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Canfield Bikes News

  • Canfield Welcomes Vin Q and Sean Gollub to the Team

    With life comes change and with change comes new adventures. Canfield would like to introduce and welcome Vin Quenneville, (Killingtonvt on the forums), to the Canfield Brothers team. Vin has been a long-time friend, customer and brand ambassador, so when we found out he was leaving Killington and planning a move to Bellingham, WA, we jumped at the opportunity to bring him on board.
  • Canfield Bikes MTB Sponsorship goes LIVE!

    We are live for the mountain bike sponsorship, so get your apps it! It is our intention to make this more than just your average sponsor house sponsorship. We want to be involved in your progress as a rider! Good luck to everyone who applies. 
  • Canfield Grassroots sponsorship program!

    Canfield is announcing the launch of a grassroots sponsorship program! We are looking for athletes and teams who feel they can positively represent Canfield Bikes at races, events and within their communities.